martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Evlution of Shane Walsh

Shane Walsh used to be best friends with Rick,Shane and Lori had a relationship in the first installment.
Shane is obsessed with killing Rick and he wanted to stay with Lori. 
Became Shane zombie.

First season 

Secod season:

Shane became zombie:

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Evolution of Carl Grimes

Carl Grimes is a kid, all started was when an innocent child who had to kill his mother so that she would not turn into a zombie. 
Have you had a great evolution in the four seasons.

First season:

Second season:

Third season:

Fourth season:

A small gift:

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Evolution of Lori Grimes

Lori Grimes wife Rick Grimes  and mother of Carl Grimes and Judith Grimes also one of the main characters of the series 
He died in season three

First season:

Second season:

Third season:

His painful death:

A small gift: